Portfolio Manager

Saurabh Suryavanshi - Portfolio Manager - Institutional

Portfolio Manager

+1 604 669 3136
Saurabh Suryavanshi

My father was an officer in the Indian army, which meant that my childhood was spread across our vast country. With each new posting, we’d move to another region, making new friends along the way and experiencing what were often very different ways of life. Though not always easy for a young boy, I credit this background for my love of food and my interest in exploring the world.

After we finally settled in New Delhi, I gained acceptance to Delhi University where I completed a Bachelor of Business degree. I took my first job with a major bank right after graduation and though I was having great success in my new career, I was curious to learn about a different culture as I had never traveled outside India. After much consideration, I decided to apply to the MBA program at Simon Fraser University and, just a few months later, I had moved halfway around the globe to one of the most diverse places in the world.

Not long after, I had immersed myself in Canadian culture and adopted the North American sports of hockey, baseball, and especially football as my own. When my MBA was completed, I took a position at a large pension fund where I rose up the ranks during a seven-year stay. Having learned about portfolio and risk management from some of the brightest minds in the business, I was ready to move to an independent firm and took a position on the Canadian equity team at Dixon Mitchell. Today I oversee the management of our Canadian mandates, in addition to sitting on DM’s investment committee.

Outside of work, I spend as much time with my wife and two young boys as I can and enjoy cooking for my family and guests whenever I get the chance. I also stay connected with education and pass on some of the wisdom I’ve gleaned over the past several years by teaching a finance course at the University of Victoria.