

+1 604 669 3136
Ronnie Sidhu

I was born and raised in Vancouver by parents who immigrated from India as young adults, hoping to give their children a better life. Growing up, I was taught that you had to work hard, save hard, sacrifice, and stay humble in order to get ahead. While these were valuable lessons, I also learned that life is to be savoured, and it’s about finding balance and enjoying it.

Having over five years of experience as an Associate Investment Advisor for a large brokerage firm, I am excited to be back in finance after spending the last few years working in the local film industry. I aspire to help our clients fulfill their dreams while enjoying the comforts of financial security.

Spending time with loved ones, being out in nature, travelling to new places and exploring the local arts scene are among the many things that feed my soul.

While working in film and TV, I learned the value of teamwork and support among crew members. I feel the same sense of camaraderie here at Dixon Mitchell, and I’m grateful and proud to be part of this team.